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Squires Consultants

49/174 Moo 5 Ring Road, Nongbua
Amphur Muang, Udon Thani 41000
Khun Roong: 081-8729791 

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Declaration of Human Rights

All human rights are indivisible, whether they are civil or political rights, such as the right to life, equality before the law or freedom of expression.

We do everything in our power to uphold these rights.

Squires Legal is a God fearing company and we undertake to treat all our clients and their adversaries with respect. "We do not judge others least we also be judged" Luke 6-37

We do however have a TOTEM: Changqing. He is a link between the East and the West; he is Asian but revered in the West. He wrote on war strategy two and a half thousand years ago. What he wrote then still has an impact on modern day war strategy. Chess, as in our Litigation Icon, is a war game. We do not regard our court battles as a game in any way but, they do need a similar type of strategy as in war. And, we fight our battles to win, just as Changqing did all those years ago.

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